Google search index is not guaranteed: John Mueller

In a recent event, a site owner asks a serious question regarding the Google content index to which Google search advocate John Mueller replied saying that Google search is not 100% predictable.

Reddit users, on the other hand, complain about seeing an index of the content that is published daily—albeit at a faster rate.

To be able to have access to their own Google index, users on Reddit pour out tons of messages to ask the Google advocate if they can use the API index to get the Google index. To this, the advocate was quick to respond and said they use API for more important types of content, such as live streaming and job postings.

Furthermore, he said that Google search is not guaranteed and therefore the index of those content solely depends on Google prioritization. Moreover, in a statement, he said that in order to get the index of all your content; the site needs to hold such importance that it could be indexed.

Mueller further elaborated on what he meant by worthwhile site by laying down some key points. He said Google will choose itself if your content is worthy of being indexed or not. If the site holds the power to provide unique content and high-quality posts, and is valuable, then it is worthy of getting indexed. Otherwise, your site will never get one if it is publishing the same old content each day.

In addition, Mueller agrees that the challenges he poses on sites are challenging and it is hectic to meet Googles criteria. However, Reddit has millions of users on the website and each has its own brain to use. Together as a community, they can bring much more to a platform and target their audience.

The problem also lies in when Google considers the website that originated the content to be of lower value than the website that replicates it when it indexes republished content at a faster rate than the original.

Hence, Reddit needs to bring its game up to the level where Google considers the site worthwhile and starts indexing faster. Reddit needs to work harder on its content and make it more valuable.

Mueller stated, by making the content more interesting, and gravitating, it could automatically hint to Google that there is some new content available. Furthermore, another easy way to get noticed by Google is to mention new content on your home pages.

Many sites frequently mention their new content on sidebars in order to notify Google that there is freshly brewed content. This advantages them in getting their content index faster. Although this may not be certain, the success of getting indexed at a faster rate, as Google does not guarantee to make their content indexed.

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