44% of Twitter Users Say They Won’t Pay for Twitter Verification, Casting Doubt Over Elon Musks’s Plans

Elon Musk’s Twitter acquisition saga has been playing out for months, but it has now finally managed to reach its conclusion. Musk is now the sole owner of Twitter, and he is trying to implement a few changes to ostensibly boost revenues since there was an apparent shortfall if only advertisers were relied on for income. One of the most controversial changes that Musk is bringing to the table is the $8 fee to obtain the coveted blue tick for verification.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that this verification mark is an important tool used by politicians, journalists and celebrities to make it harder for people to impersonate them. In spite of the fact that this is the case, Musk clearly thinks that selling the tick mark for $8 a month is perfectly reasonable, although only 28% of Twitter users who responded to a survey conducted by All About Cookies said they’d be willing to pay it.

44% of the Twitter users who responded to this survey said that they wouldn’t be willing to pay anything, and 45% also said that they don’t think it will improve their experience on Twitter with all things having been considered and taken into account. However, a significant proportion of users seem to think that Twitter might still get better now that it is under the stewardship of Elon Musk.

38% felt that Twitter content would improve under Elon Musk, 33% said that content will now be more trustworthy, and 38% also felt that the share price for Twitter will start to improve now that Musk is at the helm. However, it seems unlikely that the $8 fee will make up for the loss of ad revenue. There just aren’t enough loyal Twitter users to foot the bill for the enormous debt that Musk has taken on to buy the platform, and Musk’s desire to create a space that focuses on free speech might not sit well with advertisers who are wary of their ads being placed next to controversial content.

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