A Complete Rundown Of Why People, Especially Gamers, Install And Delete An App

More than half of the users download different apps for a specific use and gaming apps are downloaded to gain some free offers. A new study shows why people download apps and the reason isn't only about playing games. In the research, it was found that 54% of people use apps to do specific tasks. 53% of people download apps because they are convenient and useful for them. 46% say that they like using the app because they are fun and help them pass the time.

This research was also made on Gamers and they were asked why they download specific games on mobile. 37% of them said that most of the gaming apps on mobile have some special offers and amazing discounts that they need to avail of. However, all this isn't available on the games on the web. The offers on the game apps motivate the users to download apps and that's how they get popular.

People who love playing games on their phones also use many other apps. About 82% of those gamers use retail apps frequently and 75% of them like to use entertainment and video streaming apps. 67% of these users are interested in finance apps. This further proves that gamers enjoy using apps that offer them brand awareness in one way or another. These people love playing puzzles, word, and strategy apps.

52% of the gamers download an app because they trust its developers and 50% redownload a game if they have previously used and loved it. 65% of people avoid downloading an app if it has no or bad reviews. If we talk about the number of people deleting an app for some reason, 44% say that they delete an app because it's no longer relevant and interesting to them. 38% gave the reason that they delete an app when it isn't according to their preference and 28% do it when they receive too many notifications from it. 15% of users said that they delete an app when it has some privacy problems or when it is asking for their private information.
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