Twitter is trying its best to prohibit users from taking tweet screenshots

We frequently see posts shared on Facebook and Instagram that are taken from the Twitter networking platform. People usually do not have accounts on Twitter but gain access to some tweets via friends and family who use Twitter. Therefore, Twitter dissuades users from capturing screens and sharing them on other platforms.

The cross-posting culture has increased tremendously to engage the audience to take an active part in the debate or comment sections. Most of us have noticed that after sharing tweets with other social networking platforms, the viral tweet surge in creating more trends and memes through them.

YouTube and Instagram are also annoyed by this act of resharing content with other social media apps. These viral trends emerge from Twitter after they get viral on TikTok and other social networks. Several platforms have tried their best to discourage users from this activity by adding their origin info.

Whereas, Twitter has also taken an action to stop people from taking screenshots of tweets. Now, if users try to capture the screen, they will be redirected to the option of “resharing tweet” or even if they try to copy a link. These kinds of pop-ups will appear to prevent users from taking screenshots.

Screenshot courtesy of @wongmjane Twitter

Furthermore, the sharing of screenshots is frequently doing rounds on Reddit and Instagram, and other social media platforms. To prevent them from getting viral, Twitter started giving pop-ups to its operators and built in-app action.

In addition, Twitter has also thwarted people from copying links to share with friends. Several users have reported that they have witnessed these pop-ups if someone tries to copy a link, or share it with others.

Although the system is only installed in the iOS version of the app, which means that they still need to figure out a way to prevent people from taking screenshots from Android devices as well. The company is running tests to include the feature in Android as well.

Moreover, the main reason behind blocking people from taking screenshots is that it is trying to gain more revenue from the app. After sharing the tweet on other platforms, harming engagement on Twitter. The prevention of taking screenshots will encourage more people to sign in on the app and increase engagement between friends and family. Encouraging engagement among users is also the main ploy.

Thus, Twitter warns its users to stop capturing screenshots from the app by showing the pop-ups. They discourage the behavior of taking screenshots. Twitter users have also taken part to provide some ideas to prevent the post from getting viral on other platforms. Many have agreed that Twitter should watermark the content of a user so that it cannot easily be copied. Although the solution may not guarantee safety, at least people would know that the content belongs to someone else.

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