Mark Your Calendars As Google’s Search On 22’ Event Is Just Around The Corner

If you’re a website owner, we bet you’re keen on knowing what advances Google has been making in terms of its algorithm. And for those who may not be aware, there are plenty.

The company is asking users to mark their calendars after making an announcement about its Search On 22’ Event this month. The date has been highlighted to be September 28th and this is where experts from the leading tech firm will be present to give you the latest details on a number of aspects.

Critics believe this is a golden chance to see how the search algorithms have been modified lately to greatly impact site traffic. Other than that, the biggest updates about Search and how it plans on improving results would also be discussed. So to summarize, it's all about details linked to search rankings at their best.

The company’s statement from today says it is reimagining all of its main leading products so more people get a better sense of what’s happening in this world in the most natural manner. Amid this includes a new update related to ‘helpful content’.

This gives users a better idea of how websites are put into the spotlight to make content that is intended for humans. This is in opposition to those that are created with the sole intention of SERP rankings.

We see this as a major development because, in the past, it was all related to following SEO advice through which websites could be better designed. You’d include the best keywords to enhance rankings and then have search words embedded in your text at strategic locations that aren’t too evident.

But some websites have done a far better job than others, whereas the latter struggled to make pages that had too many technicalities linked to SEO elements. They are keener on making advancements in the gaming system. Therefore, they fail at really capturing the audience’s attention and don’t give people what they want.

Similarly, Google was recently seen launching a number of updates linked to Search snippets, while others had to do with warnings for content advisory, and even advancements make in contextual results.

Google claims the world of Search is enhancing and they’ve really done a great job of putting forward thousands of little changes to the algorithm on an annual basis. To help put things into better perspective, well, in 2020, it made nearly 4,500 changes to its Search Tool.

This is why the world of SEO is definitely a science that can never be exactly predicted. There are a great number of complexities at work and how they come into play at various points on web pages is definitely mindboggling at times.

This is one of the many reasons why we can’t stress enough upon events like these are designed keeping users in mind. There’s a lot of information up for grabs and each is presented in a different manner. So every time Google intends on making that little tweak to its algorithm, you’ll know better how it could really impact your website.

Read next: 8 Out of 10 Websites Will Leak Your Search Data to Google According to This Study
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