Ads With Contextual Relevance Improve Consumer Purchase Intent by 14%, Here’s How

The quantity over quality approach of digital ads have rapidly fallen out of favor because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up alienating consumers instead of appealing to them. Marketing professionals have been eschewing such methods in favor of ads that are drive by contextual cues, and this has resulted in a surprising increase in consumer purchase intent according to a recent study that Integral Ad Science conducted.

The study was done in collaboration with Tobii, a firm that specializes in eye tracking. The findings in this study revealed that consumers took 10 seconds to look at an ad that was not placed contextually, whereas contextual ads were noticed in around 4 seconds which is a massive 60% improvement. Consumers also spent 3% more time looking at contextual ads when compared to non contextual ones with all things having been considered and taken into account.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that these types of ads boost other metrics as well such as purchase intent and brand favorability. Purchasing intent among consumers increased by 14% when they saw contextual ads, and their opinion about the brand showing the ads became 5% more favorable as well.

Contextual ads were also seen quite positively by consumers, with 38% finding them interesting and easy to read, 35% saying that they were clear and around 52% stating that they seemed informative. This is far better than the 31%, 30%, 21% and 30% that said the same for non contextual ads respectively.

Additionally, a brand that used contextual ads instead of random placements were four times more likely to be remembered by consumers. That reveals the inherent value of such ads, and it makes it quite necessary for brands to start switching to such ad types. In spite of the fact that this is the case, non contextual ads are still rife in the digital marketing industry, and that needs to change soon otherwise a lot of progress might get stalled.

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