Users encouraged to Download Software from Authentic Websites as Amaday Bot Makes its Way Through Again

With the advancements in technology, the strength of many malware attacks is increasing too. This statement has been proven true by the return of an old malware called “Amadey Bot” in the form of a new stronger variant. But the question is where did it come from?

People rather than purchasing expensive software tend to download them for free through unsecured websites. However, while they do get the software for free, the malware that follows is a reality none of us can deny. This is exactly from where Amadey Bot made its way back into the world of technology with a much stronger approach this time around.

AhnLab which discovered and is now studying the impacts of the returns of Amadey Bot issued a notice claiming that threat actors are distributing the Smokeleader, which is a malware dropped coded to infect the endpoint of Amadey Bot through the keygens and cracks that these unsecured websites have.

However, now that Amadey Bot has made its way back, it is important to understand what this malware is capable of. The malware is a four-year-old bot that is capable of dropping additional payloads and stealing massive information from one endpoint and delivering it to the other (including from your internet browsers).

Hence, this information stealing malware can prove to be harmful to companies for whom data is their biggest asset and for people who are pretty crucial about their information privacy.

While the malware is as dangerous as ever, it doesn’t mean one cannot prevent it, right? For people to ensure that their systems remain free of any such emerging malware, they should install the applications and software through authentic and recognized websites only and should run the anti-virus checkers on their system whenever the computer is working.

This way, not only will your system be secured from any harmful viruses but will also alert you in case any malware tries to make its way through.

Read next: Nearly 80% of Malware Attacks in Q1 2022 Caused by Microsoft Office Security Flaws
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