Meta Is Updating Facebook Feeds So Users Can Find More Relatable Posts With Greater Focus On Video Content

It’s about time that we saw an update come forward in terms of Facebook Feeds and Meta appears to be working hard doing just that.

The company unveiled its plans to revamp feeds so users can grab a hold of more relevant content linked to their family and friends. Similarly, Meta hopes to provide users with more recommended content, mostly in the form of video posts.

And in case you were not able to guess by now, this has to do with the simple fact that Meta’s love and inspiration for TikTok are now appearing a tad bit too desperate. Nevertheless, change is good, even if it appears in some repeated shape or form.

The announcement came recently in the form of a video post by Mark Zuckerberg who highlighted how the app’s UI is going to be split up to form a new feed called ‘Home’. The ultimate goal is to focus on providing users with great entertainment via recommended content.

In addition to that, Zuckerberg spoke about users getting a new tab called ‘Feeds’. This is going to provide users with a view of the latest and most rending posts related to various themes.

Common examples include Friends, Groups, and Favorites among others. Moreover, it is believed that such a shift would enable Facebook to become more aligned with archrivals like TikTok which happen to be generating more views, engagement, and revenue through its entertaining features.

TikTok has always led the pack in terms of entertainment as the app’s main feed gathers the best content or shall we say the content that manages to accumulate the most engaging views across the board. These are usually kept side by side with the viewers’ likes and preferences and that just makes it an absolute treasure to stream.

These posts aren’t solely restricted to your social activity or by your limited connections and that just adds another element of fun and intrigue to the whole ordeal. And it appears that the consent is one that’s being loved by Meta.

But the real question to answer here is do users really wish to have a Facebook experience that’s as similar to TikTok or not? After all, there’s a reason why each app should have a unique appeal and identity. Well, it all depends on user feedback which will be out soon.

For now, users can expect to see the feature rolling out soon, perhaps over the next couple of weeks. This will arise in the form of an alert about a new and immersive Facebook experience.

Now, Facebook will be in the driver’s seat and will ultimately determine what it feels you might like and that will show up on the app’s main feed. Meanwhile, users’ friends and favorite pages can be found by selecting the other tabs.

Mark Zuckerberg says the change is definitely an innovative one where users will get the best of both worlds. And by that, we mean both personalized content as well as new content that the app feels is worth exploring.
Facebook feels the change is designed not for the purpose of the app providing users with more content to look at. Instead, it promises to make the entire content exploration process more adapted to your preferences.

Well, we’re not quite sure how many people are actually going to buy into that description but it doesn’t hurt to try from Meta’s end.

TikTok has proved to so many of us that recommended content does better on feeds in terms of engagement so Meta jumping on the bandwagon with its Facebook app could similarly see fruitful results.

Read next: Most Video Uploads Will Now Become Reels On Instagram As Meta Launches New Tools For Reels Creativity
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