Unrealistic Beauty Standards Are Trending Thanks To Image Enhancement Apps

Social media has really impacted the way users look and feel about themselves and it wouldn’t be wrong to put the blame on photo editing apps.

Looking great by adopting a false sense of beauty thanks to filters has long been trending and it’s amazing to see how low some people are willing to go to portray a false image identity.

From removing blemishes to altering your skin tone, not to mention the removal of age lines too- the list of different options to make users feel comfortable with a look that enables them to share selfies fearlessly is overwhelming.

But are these fake beauty standards really the way to go? Are we not confident enough to show our real selves to our audiences? Does it really matter that our photos need to be airbrushed before they’re posted?

Some questions will never remain answered but we’re really getting amazed at how there’s so little resemblance with reality. We don’t realize that we are making our own lives difficult by promoting a negatively driven self-perception.

Did you know that in today’s world, more than 30% of female online users aren’t happy with the way they appear, thanks to Instagram?

To look or appear a certain way has become the new norm but what many users don’t reality is that there’s zero body positivity in that.

A new study by LookFantastic shed light on various beauty trends that were going viral. And that includes a quick glance at different beauty enhancement apps as well.

You’ll be shocked to learn that Instagram filters literally change your face and those have jumped by 100% in terms of their popularity.

Even more startling is how 85% of females as young as 13 have already altered their appearance on social media. And yes, these stats are definitely scary with evidence being confirmed by Facebook’s own data.

And in terms of what beauty topics were trending, well, it has to do with liposuction and lip fillers.

When it came down to TikTok, viral topics were related to cosmetic procedures and a user’s diet. And when you look at the app whose major audience is the younger lot, the facts are alarming.

Beauty apps that ranked great in terms of their popularity on Google’s Play Store included Snapseed, Body Editor, Face Editor, and Airbrush. And not only do these change your appearance incredibly, but they also leave no traces that prove to others that a tool was applied.

So, what are leading social media apps doing in this regard? Do they not have any say about the way artificial beauty trends are picking up? Well, thankfully, that’s not the case.

In the recent past, we saw Snap urge for a new UK law that would assist social media apps to incorporate labels to different images that were retouched. Similarly, we saw Google put a stop to its retouching settings that were added as a default.

You’ll also be seeing Instagram, Snapchat, and even TikTok providing notifiers to pictures that get effects incorporated into them. But we don’t see that as too helpful as users can always use other apps to edit and then post.

Clearly, this matter is concerning and we feel more action needs to be taken before it’s too late.

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