TikTok shared its future plans at the annual Cannes Festival

The annual Cannes Lion International Festival of Creativity officially started on June 20th and will be going on till June 24th. The Festival hosted a number of managers belonging to different social media applications and platforms, where they shared the future plans and current challenges for their respective applications.

Among these leaders, the operative team for TikTok was also present and enlightened the audience with the future projects on which they are currently working, as reported by AdAge. The main goal is to bring more advertisers on the platform. At the moment, TikTok is facilitating hundreds of thousands of different advertising brands, and they are planning to take this number all the way up to millions.

According to the executives, this goal can be achieved by the addition of new options and executing the newly developed programs that will work to ensure the quality of the running advertisements on the platform.

In response to the latest Apple approach to limiting user tracking, TikTok is exploring alternative ways of targeting its audience with user-specific ads. This can be achieved by contextual targeting, as explained by Ray Cao, the global head of monetization and the MD of TikTok.

Furthermore, the short video platform is also considering working on safety protocols for the brands, as it led some advertising brands to be cautious a while back.

According to the European brand safety chief, Francis Stones, TikTok has updated its review procedure. Previously it was only used to review pictures, but as per the new safety protocol, audio, text, and even emojis are analyzed to make sure that the advertising brands are not getting associated with things that can cause problems for the advertisers.

Lastly, the platform is expanding the boundaries of the in-platform shopping experience. Sofia Hernandez, the global chief of business marketing, announced this at the festival. This will enable brands to take advantage of the content created by the users. As a result, the digital marketing sector will be able to target more user-specific advertisements. The direct interaction between brands and content uploaders will help both parties due to the less negative association concern.

Read next: TikTok introduces some reforms in its policies to protect children from restricted products and commits to stopping fraud ads

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