Android 13 To Strip Accessibility Features From Sideloaded Apps

It’s clear that the much anticipated Android 13 is all set to make its debut in just a few months' time. And that means the good old initial beta has been left behind.

Recently, Google has unveiled a shocking new security change which includes Android 13. The latter will eliminate all accessibility functionalities from a number of side load applications.

The discovery was first observed by Esper who says the new Android 13 is coming up with more security measures and this is the first one that we can expect. The feature will block sideloading of apps through the API. And that means viewers will now see the Android 13 coupled with a message that states how accessibility settings are no longer available for that particular application.

But so many curious viewers may be wondering why on earth Google intends on making the abrupt change in the first place? Well, the answer is pretty straightforward. They want to enhance users' security.

When used in the right way, the API from Android is labeled as an extremely impactful tool in terms of outreach and capabilities. The main design gives app developers the chance to make creations that will be worthwhile for the masses, including those that are disabled. But that’s just the start as the feature is being highlighted as one that’s a great fit for all.

The only problem that tech experts are now pointing out is related to how often the API gets abused by hackers or phishing attempts. This is one of the many reasons why tech giant Google is doing everything in its power to crack down on numerous apps that make use of this method.

With the release of Android 12, we saw Google boldly declaring how hard it had worked to eliminate unreliable and dangerous APIs to a great extent. Therefore, this new announcement by Google is just like taking it one step ahead with Android 13 in place.

But there is one sigh of relief because the new feature will now be impacting all of the sideloaded applications. The tech giant revealed recently how the change will solely be limited to APK files, instead of all those being launched through third-party application stores.

A common example includes F-Droid. See, the target of all of this is related to limiting access for those apps that arise from inauthentic sources. And as some experts have already begun pointing out, there’s one hidden setting option on the details page.

This will enable users to verify their identity while giving access to the new security functionality.

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