Google Play Store dropped 1 million apps, but it’s nothing to worry about

According to the updated data from Statista, the world’s biggest app store Google Play, lost 1 million applications within 4 years.

In March 2018, the Google Play Store was having more than 3.6 million applications, however, the number dropped to 2.6 million this year in the month of March, which means that the Play Store currently is having 28% fewer applications than it used to have 4 years back in 2018.

The reason why the number of applications on the Google Play Store has dropped is that Google has been making various attempts to protect its users and is removing applications that are violating the Play Store policies. They have been using artificial intelligence and human analysts to identify applications that go against the policy terms of the Play Store.

The huge fall in the number of applications on the Google Play Store is not worrisome news for Google at all as even after removing over 1 million applications it is still the biggest app store globally, having 2.6 million applications, followed by Apple Store having 2.3 million apps for its iOS users. Moreover, it is also good for business as all the currently available applications are following the privacy terms of the Play Store which means they are safe to use.

Despite the fact that the two app stores are dominating the market, other app stores are not staying back. The Amazon Appstore for Android OS, for example, has 500K running applications to offer to its users with gaming, utilities, and education as its top sellers.

Where losing a good number of apps should be a trouble for any app store, Android doesn’t need a reason to be concerned about this. On the contrary, it only means that Google is making huge and effective efforts to ensure the safety of its users by discarding the applications that might harm the users and contribute to the violation of Google’s policy terms.

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