Facebook’s New Feature Lets You Use Music in Post Replies and Comments

Facebook has had its work cut out for it these past few months due to widespread allegations and evidence of them creating an algorithm that is intentionally supposed to spread misinformation and incite aggressive emotions in people because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up increasing engagement and click rates thereby boosting profits. Privacy issues aren’t the only thing that contributed to Facebook’s fall from grace, since the platform is also starting to seem a bit dated as of late.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that Facebook might be trying to improve matters with its latest feature which lets you add music tracks to comments that you might be leaving in replies to posts, as spotted by Matt Navarra. Facebook is leveraging the system that allows people to add music stickers to their Stories to make this new feature a reality, and it might help people promote some of their favorite musicians as well as allowing independent musicians to get a bit more visibility with all things having been considered and taken into account.

In spite of the fact that this is the case, some are questioning if this feature is in any way necessary or helpful. The goal here appears to be to boost engagement, but one need only look at the example of Myspace to see how making music so easy to post on other people’s content can harm engagement and interaction rates because of the propensity for this feature to be misused.

Making music an integral part of one’s platform is something that paid off well for TikTok, but that’s mostly because that platform had a short form video element to it that accentuated the usage of music. It seems unlikely that users would lap up the chance to take advantage of this new feature, since no one was really asking Facebook for it and they might have felt better if Facebook focused on improving its algorithm to reduce its stoking of inflammatory views and violent ideologies.

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