Can the Metaverse Coexist With Data Privacy Laws? 33% of Devs Have Misgivings

As the metaverse continues to get developed, although many are still confused about what it actually is supposed to be, many developers working on it are starting to face a pretty serious road block: data privacy laws. Such laws have been put in place because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up allowing people to feel safer online, and it is making it difficult for metaverse devs to get their work done.

A study conducted by Agora sheds more light on these issues, with 33% of metaverse focused developers referring to data privacy as a hurdle that they would need to overcome with all things having been considered and taken into account. With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that many industry leaders have seen the metaverse as the logical next step in the progression of the internet and social media, and its applications in gaming and community building are definitely something to look forward to.

In spite of the fact that this is the case, data privacy being an obstacle for the creation of the metaverse might be a cause for concern for some. The biggest company behind the metaverse, the eponymous Meta, is not well known for taking internet rights and privacy all that seriously to begin with, and with such an untrustworthy company at the helm one can only wonder how little privacy people would get to enjoy if and when the metaverse gets launched to a wider audience.

72% of metaverse developers are of the opinion that the biggest use for the metaverse is in real time engagement. They essentially view the metaverse as being way to replace interacting with people in real life, something that social media has already done to an extent. It will be interesting to see how they surmount the obstacle of users right to privacy in order to create this virtual world, and it will also be interesting to see if anyone is going to want to use it at all. Take a look at below charts for more insights.

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