YouTube’s Connected TV Push Might Make It an Even Bigger Digital Advertising Haven

There was a time not all that far back into our history when people mostly only watched TV that was broadcast through them via satellite or perhaps through some kind of terrestrial cable package. The age of the internet has changed this more or less entirely, with countless people avoiding getting cable TV in favor of using the internet to stream any and all content that their heart might desire.

YouTube has been trying for a really long time to make itself seem like a legitimate advertising haven for people that have traditionally gone for TV based ads. A big part of this has been pushing Connected TV which is an internet based concept that can alter how people watch TV by enabling them to check out any and all content solely through the internet with YouTube likely being a central component of that with all things having been considered and taken into account.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that YouTube has recently announced that it will be sponsoring an event known as IAB NewFronts. The 2022 edition of this event will be where YouTube will try to talk to digital advertisers about the potential advantages that they can gain by utilizing YouTube as their platform of choice. Indeed, YouTube has some distinct advantages when compared to some of its competitors.

Most of YouTube’s competitors are using subscription based models because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up helping them earn more revenue. However, this reduces the reach that digital advertisers can get, which is why YouTube actually has a bit of a leg up in this regard.

According to Nielsen, around half of the streaming time that users take part in which is supported by ads occurs on YouTube alone. In fact, around 35% of the people that use YouTube’s Connected TV feature are impossible to target through any other kind of marketing so this streaming platform might become an even bigger player in the coming years.

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