US Smartphone Market Sees Muted Holiday Shopping Season

Supply chain disruptions have made it exceedingly difficult for people to buy the things that they actually want for their lives, and that is something that has impacted the holiday season as well. While global smartphone shipments saw relatively stable growth in 2021, the American market saw a somewhat flat holiday shopping season with many consumers struggling to find the phones that they wanted while they were taking part in their annual Christmas shopping and the like.

One reason for why the shopping season was not as intense as it usually was is that there was a distinct lack of flagships available in the market. However, with all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that many smartphone manufacturers still saw growth in their total sales, with Apple seeing 17% quarter on quarter growth in the last quarter of 2021. Apple continues to hold the largest share of the American smartphone market, with 57% of consumers using an iPhone even if they weren’t able to get the latest model.

However, Apple was not the biggest grower in terms of total sales. That honor went to OnePlus, with its widespread availability at various Walmarts thanks to its collaboration with T-Mobile resulting in a situation wherein the company saw an incredible 524% year on year growth rate. Google also saw significant year on year growth, with its smartphone sales increasing by around 56% after it released the Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro, and Motorola also had a reasonably good year with its sales getting to their highest point in the history of the company.
This level of growth is impressive considering how many supply shortages are currently having an impact, as well as the fact that inflation is also making it difficult for shoppers to buy the products that they desire. These problems are likely going to get a lot worse in 2022, and since increased spending was not able to improve the holiday shopping season despite massive year on year growth 2022’s Christmas shopping season might be one of the worst that we have seen so far although the situation might also fix itself by then.

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