The World's Most Complained About Tech Products

We've all experienced the rage against the machines. Dropped connections and poor functionality are just two of the things that make us scream in anger at inanimate clumps of plastic and metal.

But which devices cause us the most aggravation? Electronics Hub has the answer. By calculating the percentage of negative Twitter mentions, it was able to put together a few tables highlighting the most complained about tech products in the world.

Did your devices make it onto the lists? Find out below!

The most complained about tech products in the world (study)
The most complained about games console

Microsoft's Xbox Series X is the most complained about console on Twitter. Over 12% of its tweets expressed frustration with the black box. But that figure doesn't tell the whole story. In fact, most negative tweets were from Xbox fans who couldn't get their hands on the console. The rest were unhappy about the Xbox's resemblance to a fridge(?). A small number rage-tweeted about connectivity issues with headset and hand controllers.

The worst smartphone, according to Twitter

It's bad news for Google; 27.6% of Google Pixel 6 tweets were complaints. Users are unhappy about charger issues and slow updates - "I'm beginning to think Google is sending out the December update for the Pixel 6 series via carrier Pigeon, '' wrote one frustrated Google Pixel owner.

But Apple engineers and designers shouldn't start throwing up for high-fives just yet - the remaining spots on the list all belong to various versions of the iPhone!

Apple dominates the annoying tablet list

The most complained about tablets on Twitter is another category that belongs to Apple. Maybe it's because so many people own Apple tablets. Still, the tech giant's design team designer will wince once they see that Apple products occupy eight out of the top ten spots. The other two are filled by the Samsung Galaxy Tab 6 Lite and the Remarkable 2.

Laptop issues

There's more diversity when it comes to the most annoying laptops. All the big-name providers made it into the list, including Dell, Asus, Microsoft, and Lenovo.

But the 'winner' is HP. It took the top spot, with almost 30% of its tweets expressing discontent. Customers complained about battery power, poor functionality, and limited customer service. Others got straight to the point: "hp sucks, don't buy a hp laptop," wrote one user.

The most complained about headphones

Poor connectivity is a big issue for Realme Earbud users, making this brand the most complained about earbuds in the world. The angry Realme tweets included complaints about customer service, regular cut-outs, and what one customer called "a weird buzzing noise" in the background.

Wearables devices that wear down your patience

Fitbit urges its high-energy customers to "make every minute count." But that's pretty hard to do when your wearable device keeps letting you down. 31.4% of Fitbit Charge 4 Twitter mentions highlighted a problem with the device.

According to users, the Fitbit strap isn't as rugged as it should be, and many have to wait weeks for a replacement. Others complained that the device fails to record all your activities.

The most complained about cameras

The GoPro Hero8 had the most negative feedback. But still, only 8.6% of all its Twitter mentions expressed frustration or anger. Most complaints were related to a lightweight design that doesn't always stand up to the rigors of a city tour or deep bush hiking adventure.

The reasons why people hate their smart devices

Considering the number of nasty tweets mentioning products like Chromecast and Google Wifi, it's fair to say that some of our smart devices aren't as smart as they could be.

You could argue that the Phillips Hue Bridge shouldn't be allowed to call itself ‘smart.’. That's because 42.7% of its Twitter mentions are complaints, meaning almost 1 in 2 customers are unhappy with their purchase.

The device has serious problems connecting to other tech in the home, which is precisely what smart hubs are meant to do. Other unsatisfied Hue owners say the device is 'glitchy' and 'unresponsive.' Someone needs to go back to the drawing board on this one.

The most hated tech products in the USA

The Phillips Hue Bridge is the most hated tech product in the USA, according to its percentage of negative Twitter complaints (42.9%).

Another (so-called) smart device comes next; it's the Google Chromecast. 39.1% of Chromecast-related tweets read like a complaint, including this scathing review: "I'm 100% convinced #Google put more thought into their cable packaging clips than their #Chromecast remote. They modeled it after a half-used bar of wet soap. #fail"

US tech users are also having serious issues with their iPhones, Roku Ultras, and Nest Protect systems.

Angry tech tweets in the UK

Six phones make the UK's top ten table of angry tech tweets, including the iPhone6, iPhone7, and the Huawei P30 Pro.

But no piece of tech enrages UK consumers more than the Nest Thermostat. Exactly 50% of its Twitter mentions are bad. The most common issues are battery and temperature related, although these seem to be exacerbated by an extremely poor level of customer service. "I've been waiting three weeks for a response," tweeted one complainant. "They took my money, now they just don't care."

Will humans and tech ever live in perfect harmony? Probably not. But at least you’ve got the info to avoid the devices that cause more stress than their worth. Take a look at below infographics and charts for more detailed insights on the most complained about technology gadgets in every country.
The study reveals the world’s most complained about tech products
snapshot of the top 10 most irksome gadgets
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