Apple and Amazon termed as the leading platform when it comes to customer satisfaction

Online shopping has become quite a trend and a very important aspect in the Covid times. While it was preferred, it wasn’t really the first choice of people prior to the pandemic, however the deadly virus and the implementations of lockdown changed all this.

Though some didn’t prefer online shopping, there are others who find it far more convenient from the beginning and there is no denying that applications and services like Amazon and eBay have made it even more easier for users by bringing many sellers under one platform and giving their audience a wide variety to choose from.

Recently, Statista conducted a survey of many US citizens asking them which brand they find the best among the plethora of options, particularly when it comes to customer satisfaction. If you are someone who adores Amazon, that must be the first one in your mind. There is no doubt that Amazon has for sure provided some amazing sellers to their users under one roof, with the best trading and refunding option and great convenience out there. However, Amazon wasn’t the top of the list in the choice of users and it stood on number 2 with a 72 percent score in the customer satisfaction chart.

What stood on the top of the list in customer satisfaction was Apple with only a two percent lead by Amazon standing at 74 percent. Though many believe this may be because Apple has a loyal fan base which sticks with it throughout all. However, there is also no denying that Apple has always settled well in satisfying their users.

Costco was on the third rank with 71 percent satisfied with the service followed by Macy’s with 64 percent satisfaction. America’s most favorite stores Target and Walmart were also seen in the list with a satisfaction percentage of 67 and 62 respectively.

eBay and Wayfair were unexpectedly on the bottom despite being some well-known franchises. eBay stood with a satisfaction rate of 58 with Wayfair only at 55.

However, there is no denying that all these services have made not only online shopping easy, but the pandemic bearable with the great services, deliveries, refund policies and easy convenience they all provide.

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