Why are companies focused on redesigning their websites?

Websites are the best way to advertise your products and services to the world. It could be anything, from being a small business to a big firm like “Meta”, everyone needs to have a website in order to promote and show what things they have to offer for people that others don’t.

A cool website is the one that catches the eye of a person randomly surfing the internet. You need to have some catchy content and engaging features that would make the visitor want to browse more on your website and not just leave it as soon as they open it. Your website should work like a door for your clients/customers. If your website is outdated then you won’t get any visitors at all.

Why should you keep your website up to date? Well as the world is constantly changing, trends change within minutes. If you’re using old designs and outdated content then you’re losing the competition. That is why we’re seeing many people who are opting for a website redesign. A few perks of redesigning your website that marketers and website owners have noticed are more traffic on their websites and more revenue.

The most important part for you to redesign your website is to have a better SEO (search engine optimization). If you're thinking about remodeling your website, make sure to run it by experienced search experts and what they think should be done in order to get more activity on the website because let's face it, they are the most important part of any website optimization campaign.

BestSEOCompanies asked CEOs of over 400 companies as to why did they go for a remodel? They replied that they felt they really needed to change things up because if nothing had been done, they would’ve lost a lot in terms of website visitors, revenue and for creating brand awareness. Thus the decision of redesigning their website was taken as soon as possible.

The survey showed us that hiring an outsider agency was the most popular choice among business owners which was 43% to redesign their websites because it seemed to be the most promising one. On average the cost for rebranding was found to be $1700.

Reasons For Redesigning:

The top 3 reasons as to why these companies had to opt for remodeling was to build the brand's awareness which is understandable because with certain trends changing, you need to improve yourself as well to keep up with them. Another reason was driving sales and that won’t happen until you’ve got a nice and cool website with everything fresh and updated. Moreover, these changes were done because the website wasn’t getting much traffic and proper redesigning the website surely helped a lot the owners in this aspect.

It is important for any business or company to first set up some goals that they want to achieve by doing the redesign so that when the process starts, they won’t have many problems as to exactly what they are trying to accomplish here.

Problems After Remodeling:

There were many problems that were faced by companies after their website had been remodeled. Around 60% of the owners had faced issues after completion. Here are a few issues that were seen by some owners.

1. Slow Website Speed.

2. Bugs.

3. Missing Information.

4. Navigation issues.

5. Duplicate Content.

How SEO’s Play a Vital Role:

SEO’s are experienced people who have mastered the art of optimizing search engines. They can create and manage content for your websites in such a way that a small change in your interface and design can make it look cleaner and more interesting than it was before.

The key for having a successful redesign is to have an expert that analyzes everything that is going on, and knows his way around the search engine. The average hourly rate that these SEO’s we’re charging was $43 which is pretty low as compared to their expertise and workload.

So it is better for a company that is thinking about having a redesign to make up their mind on basic things and they should set up their goals and expectations as to what they want out of this project. They must set up funds, clear out their objectives and co-operate with the designers so that they can achieve their ultimate goal which is improvement in terms of quality and revenue. Take a look at below charts and infographics for more insights on why businesses are prioritizing the redesign of their websites.

Read next: The Anatomy of a Great Business Website
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