Survey Shows That PC Gamers Are Less Likely to Cheat

Gaming has become a really popular pastime for a wide range of people, and there are lots of ways in which you can take part in the gaming process at your leisure. Some gamers swear by PC gaming since they feel like it can give them the absolute best experience that money can buy. Others are of the opinion that PCs just aren’t worth the trouble, and that using a console would be far better for them to a degree.

One thing that most gamers can agree on is that cheating is not something that they would want to experience if they are on the receiving end. With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that a survey from Time2Play has actually revealed some pretty conflicting results in that regard. For example, 74% of respondents said that cheating did not allow them to fully enjoy a game that they were playing, but 61% admitted that they had been caught cheating themselves at one point or another.

The survey also asked a bunch of users what console users they felt were the most likely to cheat. It turns out that gamers feel like PC users are the most likely to cheat, with 52% of them seeing PC gamers as cheaters in general. That number was 29% for PlayStation gamers, 13% for Xbox Gamers and only 2% for Nintendo users possibly due to the reason that Nintendo is often considered to be one the more innocent consoles that are currently out there.

That might have something or the other to do with how easy it is to cheat on a PC, whereas doing something similar would be somewhat more complicated if you were using a console. However, a really interesting thing that can be noted here is that PC gamers are actually less likely to think that cheating is acceptable.

Around 78% of PC gamers said that they thought that cheating was no big deal, and while that is a large number it pales in comparison to the 81% of PlayStation gamers and 80% of Xbox gamers that did not have a problem with cheating. Hence, it can be said that while PS gamers are perceived to be less likely to cheat, they might actually be more likely to do so.

Another aspect of this survey that can be considered intriguing is the difference between generations. 74% of Gen X gamers did not have a problem with cheating. This goes up to 77% for Millennial gamers, and Gen Z gamers appear to be the most accepting of all with 83% of them saying that cheating was not something that they would take issue with.

Cheating is an aspect of gaming that would be really difficult to do away with completely. However, it might not be something that gamers are all that worried about after all. It may just be that they would like to be able to cheat themselves but don’t like it as much when they are on the receiving end of the spectrum. Whatever the case may be, cheating is not as easy as it used to be, and this may very well have improved the overall experience for everyone.
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