Study Shows 10% of People Have Clicked on Phishing Links While on Their Phones

Everyone receives spam messages that include some type of phishing link, and you might think that you are far too smart to ever click on anything of the sort. With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note 1 out of every 10 people have clicked on a phishing link while using their phones according to a recent study that was conducted on the matter. The data revealed a rather troublesome trend that many people would want to pay attention to.

The study was conducted by Wandera/Jamf, and it involved an analysis of half a million protected devices that were spread across 90 different countries, including major ones like the US and China. The truly concerning statistic that a lot of people are going to be worried about is the fact that the propensity for people to click on phishing links has actually increased. There has been a 160% year on year increase in the number of people falling for phishing attacks, and that means that a lot of people likely aren’t taking the necessary steps to protect themselves from these kinds of situations.

What’s even more notable with all things having been considered and taken into account is that the phishing attacks are not coming from unsecure locations. Quite on the contrary, the vast majority of them, 93% to be precise, came from supposedly secure domains. That means that the domains likely had a padlock in the URL bar which made it so that a lot of people would have started to assume that the links were safe enough to click on. That is understandable to say the least, but it just goes to show that you can never be too careful when it comes to the links that you are thinking of connecting with.

Back in 2018, only about 65% of phishing sites were masking themselves using secure HTTPS connections. That was considered far too high a number considering it meant that 2 out of every 3 sites were able to mask their behavior. However, now that number is at 93%, so it’s quite rare for a phishing site to be apparent. Being careful about clicking on links has therefore become even more important than it has ever been prior to this point in time. People need to be educated about such matters quickly.

Read next: Data Shows Younger People Aren’t Reporting Cybercrimes
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