Google’s Big Update and How It Could Impact Your SEO Strategy

Quite a few people have noticed their web traffic decreasing 2021, and a lot of reasons have ended up being posed for this having occurred. There is a strong likelihood that Google’s update to page experiences might have had something or the other to do with this because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up impacting your SEO and making it so that previous optimization that you might have implemented would no longer end up being quite as impactful for you in the future.

Some might ask why this update should be of any concern to them, and the simple answer to that is that Google is the single most popular and powerful search engine in the entire world. With 40,000 searches every single second, coming up to 3.5 billion searches in a single day, Google has over 92% of the global search engine market share with all things having been considered and taken into account. All of this means that caring about Google updates is likely going to be something that ends up helping you get the best possible results out of whatever it is that you are currently trying to do.

The gist of this new update is that Google is now starting to rank websites based on the kind of user experience that they provide. With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that core web vitals will be a crucial part of this, and that includes things like loading times, interactivity as well as the stability of the overall website. These factors can help determine whether or not a particular user might end up getting the information they wanted when they first visited the site which is a factor that really can’t end up being denied at all.

These metrics were previously taken into account as well, but the thing to note is that Google is adding three new metrics that you might want to take into consideration too. The first of these is Largest Contentful Paint or LCP, and it basically judges how quickly a site loads after the first click. First Input Delay is another new metric which gauges how quickly your site can react to input from the user. Finally there is Cumulative Layout Shift which checks how consistent your layout remains whilst a user might be interacting with it.

Mobile usability is another new factor that Google appears to be taking very seriously indeed. Avoiding the use of Flash and other types of dated software can help you get the rating you desire in this regard, and using larger fonts can increase readability which is something else that can end up greatly boosting your SEO to a really large degree. You should also look into putting some space between the various links that might be on your site so that users don’t end up tapping on the wrong one accidentally.

All of these changes are pretty sensible if you think about it because they have the potential to greatly improve the kind of experience users would be able to obtain from any and all websites that they go to. Google is trying to boost overall website quality, and while this might force you to shift a few gears it is not too much of a pivot and you can adjust accordingly now that you have the right info.

H/T: Attrock.

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