TikTok expanded its time limit in June and now shows results of how well it is doing globally

TikTok started off as a short video creating application, however, the tech giant may not be so short anymore. It has since its popularity managed to exceed its video limit, which previously was in seconds, to one minute as of last year.

The entertainment giant has been ruling the charts, and decided it was time to change. So in June, TikTok announced exceeding their video limit to 3-minute long. According to them, this will give creators opportunities at better and different content and that stands true, as of the recent report.

The company last week issued a report on how the exceeded limit has affected the tech giant. The company was quite happy to announce that the change was beneficial for them.

According to TikTok, almost 5 billion views are received by videos which have a time limit of more than one minute. The average long videos, according to TikTok happen to be around 2 minutes, which is great for creating short but catchy entertaining content.

TikTok mentioned that since its expansion in the time limit, the platform has seen several new kinds of videos which previously weren’t present. Videos like, daily vlogs, short cooking videos, day in a life of, and celebrities giving short home tours and sneak peek into their lives have been mostly commonly observed.

With more time, creators are putting in more efforts too, and many have now started using color effects and green screens in their videos to create more entertaining content.

TikTok even gave a global statistics and mentioned that the new time limit was encouraged more in countries like Japan, Thailand and Vietnam, and users from Brazil, the U.K. and the U.S. showed better views on these videos.

TikTok is exceptionally happy with these results, the tech giant has been showing some pretty good results and has managed to maintain its position on the top of the charts since the very start. However, they do not take this position for granted and hence is trying to work towards better and more unique features in order to keep their current users intact and attract a new audience too. Till now, from the looks of it they seem to be doing a pretty great job.

Read next: TikTok introduces the ‘The Discover List’ to feature the top 50 influencers in the application
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