TikTok, Facebook, Instagram: These Are The Most Downloaded Apps Of July 2021

Sensor Tower like every month, has once again issued the top ten rankings of all the application categories on the apps store.

Applications all around the world, on both Apple and Android Stores compete with each other to have great usage and download numbers, however since the last few months, though there have been ups and downs in the rank numbers the same ones have been able to maintain the top positions.

Sensor Tower concluded this report from the dates of July 1st till July 31st 2021 and the report only includes some specific installs and doesn’t note the pre-installed applications on both Apple and Android phones.

For the month of July 2021, In the category for non-gaming applications on Apple Store showed TikTok as its number one top most downloaded application, followed by YouTube, Instagram, WhatsApp and Facebook falling in the second to fifth position respectively.

In the Google Play Store, the top application position was acquired by Facebook followed by TikTok in the runner up position and Instagram, Messenger and WhatsApp falling from third to fifth position respectively.

However, while these were the results for Google Play and Apple App Store respectively, Sensor Towers showed the overall global downloads too along with the growth statistics.

Similar to App Store downloads, TikTok was the leading application in the overall downloads as well with an install rate of more than 63 million in July 2021. The most install percentage for TikTok was observed in Douyin, China with 15 percent of the installs followed by the United States with a 9 percent install rate. The overall category of install downloads showed Facebook in the second position with over 53 million installs with the most Facebook installs observed in India at a percentage of 27, followed by US with 7 percent of the install rate.

The install rate of applications varies every month depending on how well they are doing and what applications are the most in trending, however, the following applications mentioned above have been able to maintain their positions at least in the top ten for a long time now. Last month Zoom was also seen among the top five because of its vast usage for online schooling and office meetings during the pandemic times, but with the vaccine rolling out and the world coming back to normalcy, its install rate has declined again.

Lets’ see which of these applications are able to maintain their positions in the top categories next month and which new ones will we see in the list.

Read next: Does the world love Apple or Android more?
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