Chrome Just Made it Easier for Users to Manage Their Search Engines In The Settings

If you’re using Google Chrome, the standard search engine that your query would be run through after you enter it into the address bar would obviously be Google’s own. With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that there are plenty of other search engines out there as well, and a lot of users would want to make use of these search engines instead. You can do so by going into the Manage Search Engines page in your settings, but the thing to note here is that Google just tweaked this page in order to make it easier for you to get the search experience that you desire (chrome://settings/searchEngines).

Chrome supports just a few basic search engines namely Google, Yahoo, Bing, DuckDuckGo and some others for the more privacy conscious. However, there are plenty of other search engines out there too, some of which belong to specific sites rather than being for the wider internet. If you were to use this search engine, Chrome would automatically include it in a list on the Manage Search Engines page. This list can get really muddled up over time, especially when some bad actors keep on trying to irritate you with search engine spam in Chrome browser, so in order to solve this issue Google is now going to add a new feature, as reported by TechDows. This new setting will help users in tackling the automated search engine spam issue in Chrome browser.

Google is attempting to reduce the occurrence of automated search engine spam. It is doing so by disabling a search engine that a user puts in if it’s already active. This will prevent users from getting bombarded with spam and will result in a cleaner and simpler experience overall as well which a lot of users are undoubtedly going to appreciate.

Another thing that Google seems to be changing is Keyword Search. This allows you to search for a keyword directly in a separate search engine. For example, if you type in “Y”, the address bar might suggest YouTube and if you click on this suggestion you would be able to search for something in YouTube directly from the address bar. The user interface for this feature is being updated and its functionality is being widened to a great extent as well, something that would be great for people that want to make use of it. What’s more is that it is now being given a new name as well called “Scope Search”.

Read next: Google Chrome is testing multiple windows on Android, new tab page, and a mute button for global media control on desktop
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