Apple CEO Tim Cook Expected To Retire After Completing One Last Product Category

Insider reports from Apple claim that CEO Tim Cook has his mind set on overseeing one major product category before ending his long-held tenure at the multi-billion corporation, as reported by BloomBerg.

This report does seem like it's coming out of left field. Tim Cook's a healthy individual, who doesn't seem like the workload of Apple's quite gotten to him yet. However, news about his inevitable demise from the company has started making the rounds in tech circles. Even more notably, the man himself has stated as much in an interview. To be more specific, Tim Cook noted that, when asked, he would probably not be around for Apple in approximately the next ten years. And just like that, one of the most influential men in the world steps down, leaving an unpredictable future in his stead. However, 10 years is a long time, and Tim Cook seems to have an idea as far as establishing a legacy goes.

Even with such an impressive resume as his, it seems that Tim Cook is still adamant on creating, or contributing to, an original idea; one that takes a new direction for Apple and doesn't actively derive itself from its technological predecessors. So, what is Cook's magic source of inspiration? The answer may be augmented reality glasses, similar to the concept introduced by the Google Glass.

Augmented reality, or AR, is becoming more and more of a fashionable technology statement. The best examples can be found in Snapchat's Lens, which more or less made the idea of intangible technology popular across the board. Naturally, the prospect of making an unforgettable AR experience is one that Apple relishes. It's also an incredible way for Tim Cook to cement his legacy, proving to definitively be a worthy successor to Steve Jobs.

Now, when does work on all of this start? Honestly, it's not easy to say. Mind you, perhaps the most important detail to be noted that much of this information is provided by insiders, and is therefore not set in stone. Maybe Cook has his sights set on yet another upcoming project that he intends on seeing to the end. Be that as it may, Apple's own AR glasses will regardless be expected within the 10 year span. Even at that, it'll probably be sooner than later. In the meanwhile, let's simply observe the company's progress. After all, even if the glasses don't swing by fast enough, there will always be a never-ending supply of iPhones to make up for it.

Photo: Christopher Dilts/Bloomberg/Getty Image

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