Google Has Officially Increased the Global Internet Speed Standard

Google has frequently been an innovator that pushes the world of tech forward in a way that has never been seen before, but a recent development that occurred thanks to the tech giant’s efforts might be far and away the biggest contribution that the company has made so far. The Internet Engineering Task Force is responsible for managing the protocols that are used to send data packets from one server to another, and up until this point in time the standard protocol that ended up being used in this regard was TCP which refers to Transmission Control Protocol.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that while the protocol worked relatively well Google’s efforts have allowed the taskforce to publish the company’s own QUIC standard which refers to Quick UDP Internet Connections. The UDP refers to User Datagram Protocol, and this is in many ways the main innovation that Google has ended up making in this regard. QUIC started as an experiment that Google was conducted in Chrome to see if data could be sent between Chrome and apps faster than was possible at the time.

This turned out to work really well, and five years ago Google tried to get QUIC approved as a standard by the taskforce. All of that waiting has finally paid off, and users will now be able to use this protocol if they so choose. Large institutions are often rather slow to accept change, and they might not be all that willing to switch from a protocol that has been put in place since the 70s. However, IETF approval is definitely a major factor to consider here and it would make it far more likely that QUIC would start to spread and see increased usage among various sectors.

Photo: Erik Isakson / Getty Images

H/T: Cnet.

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