The new slow down comments option added by Facebook can make you wait 5 minutes before adding a new comment in groups

Facebook is famous for being one of the largest platform to host online debates in the comments section present under any uploaded post but now it has finally decided to blow out this fire by trying to make the arguments more cultured by introducing the “slow down comments” option in groups.

This new features provides power to both, the group admin and even to the moderator of that group. They will have the authority to slow down the comments on any post they want to. The real aim present behind introducing this new feature is to prevent comment war on the Facebook’s platform. By enabling the slow down feature, a new comment will be added after a five minute interval , hoping that this five minute break will help to ease up the tension and will give enough time to think before anyone adds up to the ongoing conflict. Facebook stated that only the group admin and the moderator can slow down comments on specific post in their group. Once this slow down comments feature is turned on, each person can only post a single comment every five minute.

This will help to keep the discussion to be more civilized instead of being a war based purely on emotions. It is believed that in heat of argument one could simply become a threat to another person’s sentiment. The social media expert and consultant Matt Navarra was the first person to highlight this new feature, he posted several screenshots guiding other Facebook users on how to enable this option.

Facebook is not the first social media app who actually tried to add friction in ongoing heated arguments, previously Twitter as well tried to control things at the time of United States Presidential Election that were held last year. As compared to Facebook who introduced a five minute break, Twitter decided to remove the straight retweet option . The power of retweeting was not completely taken away but the system would be default to a quoted tweet instead, which would subject people to rethink before performing action.

Not only this but Twitter also decided to recheck and moderate the news and posts being uploaded on its platform and it would notify the user if any news being share was found to be a fake one. After the January 6 incident, where the Capitol Building was subjected to riots, the US government began to pressurize many social media platforms as it was believe that these platforms hosted debates that eventually lead to the execution of riots throughout the US.

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