How Do Consumers Describe Different Ad Types On Social Media, TV, Websites and Email Campaigns

Advertisements are what makes people aware of stuff around them and while previously advertisements were done through newspaper or announcements the trends are changing now. People usually now use a lot of social media and watch TV as well and therefore brands use these mediums as a means to promote their stuff and improve marketing and while you may be used to seeing different ad types on your feeds and are not really bothered about it but do you know that different people have different opinions on the types of ad they see on several platforms.

According to a GlobalWebIndex survey it was revealed that the most common places for brandings and advertisements are social media, Televisions, Website ads and Email campaigns and further it revealed what percentage of people had what opinions about these different platforms.

For the advertisements on social media, various thoughts and responses came forward. The largest percentages were voted on three categories with 26 percent finding social media ads distracting, 31 percent finding them way too excessive and long than their liking and 27 percent found them intrusive. However, there were some positive responses as well 12 and 13 percentage of people calling the social media ads funny and helpful respectively, 19 percent called it informative saying that it keeps them updated about things and their prices and 17 percent said that they find it extremely entertaining because some advertisements are made with such thought and humor.

Coming onto the advertisements for TV, 34 percent found them entertaining 26 percent funny and 30 percent informative while a small population had opposite reviews with 18 percent finding it distracting and 13 percent finding it intrusive.

For the ads displayed on different websites 32 percent found it a bit excessive than their liking because ads on websites can appear huge and cover the space which is important until removed while 30 percent thought it was distracting and removes their focus from the actual work they are doing. However, a good 23 percent found it informative for them while 14 percent found it entertaining and 9 percent diverse.

Campaigns and advertisement on Emails had a rather negative review. With large percentages voting towards the negative aspects like 16 percent of people found such campaigns extremely distracting and 32 percent thought it was way too excessive than it should be on a platform mostly used for professional purposes. However, 9 percent found it entertaining and 6 percent thought it was funny.

What are your thoughts on branding and advertising on these four platforms?

Read next: What Do Consumers Want Ads To Do
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