Getting Your Business Noticed on the Web

The traditional way of getting a business noticed is with an ad blitz across TV, radio, billboards, and more. While that can certainly get people to notice a brand new business, it does not mean that all of those people will be potential customers, plus that kind of commercial saturation is pretty expensive. For business owners who want to get their business noticed on the web, they need to take a more focused, methodical approach that is cost effective and which mainly targets potential customers. Fortunately, there are a variety of different methods that can be used to achieve the results that you want.

Some of those methods you can do yourself, but with others you might need the help of experts. SEO is a great way to get your website noticed but it is time intensive and requires specialized skills. You or an employee could learn it, but that could take time that is better spent running your business. It is better to outsource that work to an SEO company that has the tools like an SEO analyzer that can help your business to get noticed. So if you want your business to be a success, consider the methods outlined below.

Create a Website

Naturally, the first thing you want to do to get your business noticed on the web is to build a website for it. You can choose to build the site yourself or you can hire a web design agency to do it for you. There are pros and cons to both approaches. If you choose the DIY method you will save money since there are a lot of different website builders available. However, it might not offer the same functionality as a custom built website does and if your business expands, then the website will have to do so as well. That means there is a lot of potential upkeep if you decide to do it yourself.

If you hire a web design agency, then that is more expensive, but you will have much less work to do when it comes to maintenance. Plus the agency will be able to scale up the website as needed. You will also be able to add bespoke design and functionality elements that you might not get on a website builder. A web design agency will also make sure that your site has responsive design. That means that it is optimized for all mobile devices so that it fits their screens and the navigational elements make sense for the device.

Since so many people use their mobile devices to browse the web, a website that is optimized for mobile is a smart and necessary business decision. Regardless of which website building method you choose, you should make sure that the site has responsive design.

Use SEO to Get Your Site Noticed

Once your site is launched, you want it to get noticed by as many people as possible and SEO is the way to do so. SEO stands for search engine optimization and it is all about getting your website to rank highly on the search engines results pages. That means when people search for terms related to your business, your website is among the first to show up. That high visibility means more potential visitors to your site, which means more potential customers. SEO entails a lot of different techniques from incorporating high value keywords throughout the content of the website to using backlinks to build authority to optimizing your website so that it looks great and loads quickly to creating well-written content that is engaging to visitors, and more.

There is a lot of work that goes into SEO, which is why you should consider hiring an SEO agency to do some, or all, of that work for you. SEO is relatively inexpensive when compared to traditional advertising, but it can yield potent results because it targets people who already have a potential interest in what you have to offer them.

Use Social Media

Social media is a simple way to bring attention to your business as long as you use it correctly. While you can use social media to help your business get noticed, you should not just constantly shill your business otherwise that could be off putting for many people. You should intersperse plugs for your business with interesting anecdotes or stories that are relevant to your community and business, but are not specifically about your business.

When business owners think of using social media to promote their company, they mostly think about Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, but they should consider Instagram as well. Since IG is a mostly image based platform, most assume that only photogenic businesses like florists or bakeries should use it, but you can use it to showcase your office culture or highlight individual employees. That is because the platform is a great way of forging an emotional connection with people, which can make your company seem more humane and relatable.

Use The Services Provided By Google

Specifically, Google My Business and Google Ads. Any new company should be submitted to Google My Business because there are several advantages to doing so: they get listed on Google Maps; they get more impressions and clicks; they can customize their listing whenever they want. While Google My Business is a necessity, Google Ads is more of an option.

With Google Ads, you pay the search engine to have your company featured whenever people search for certain keywords. Those are the results that have the word Ad beside them when you search. Some people might find them to be a turn off because they are not looking for advertisements when they search. However, they can be effective, especially if they are paired with an SEO campaign.

Get In Touch With Professionals To Get Your Business Noticed

There are many things that you can do by yourself to get your business noticed on the web, but there are also methods that are better served by professionals. When it comes to website building and SEO, you should consider whether you want to do it yourself or have professionals do it for you. At the very least, you should consult with professional agencies to find out how they can help you and how that compares to your own efforts. But no matter what you choose, these methods are sure to get your website noticed by a whole lot of people.

Photo: Pixabay / Preis_King
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