Do You Trust Social Media with Your Data? This Study Shows That Two Thirds of Users Do Not

When you make an account online you know you are sharing some of your most private information with them and even when you are using your social media account companies tend to follow with your data and share it around for their own purposes. But the question is that are you comfortable with your data being collected by an app and then being shared to other applications for the purpose of targeted ads and specific likings etc.

The Cambridge Analytica disaster unfolded how Facebook had been providing users' personal information to highest bidders, which made people question whether or not they were comfortable with their information being shared around so easily.

To specify how many people were bothered by such happenings of data sharing online and how many were least concerned, a team at The University of Sydney conducted a survey of over 1,000 social media users and nonusers from the US, UK, and Australia, to figure out what was the ratio of bothered unbothered on the data sharing with their main focus being on TikTok, and the proposed US sell-off specifically.

The company asked around a bunch of questions on which the survey was based.

The first question was that how concerned people are with the security risks that are posed by the specific applications.

Different percentages were observed for different applications with the highest rates in Facebook with 17.1 percent unbothered by the risk, 17.0 percent unconcerned nor concerned and a good percent of 65.9 percent was concerned by the risk and the least percentage was observed in LinkedIn with 40.7 percent unbothered and 21.7 percent neither bothered nor unbothered and 37.6 percent were bothered with the hanging risks.

When questioned about how they feel about their lack of control over their own data online. 22.2 percent on Facebookers said they feel threatened with that being the highest percentage number among all apps while 14.0 percent on Twitter felt threated and this was the least percent among other apps.

The question next in line was about the targeted advertising that appear online. Targeted ads appear because of the data the companies have stored linking you up with the things of your preference. Facebook held the highest percentage ratio in this category with 17.2 percent said that they felt unbothered about it, 17.3 percent had no opinions and 65.4 percent were pretty bothered about it.

The survey also notified that 1 in 4 millennials were unbothered about the targeted ads on Instagram and 1 in 3 Gen Zers were unbothered by targeted ads on TikTok.

The question for top most security concern online for people clearly was hacking with 40.2 percent votes. Further on this when questioned if anyone among the survey participants had gotten their accounts hacked 37 percent said yes and 63 percent said No.

The most application accounts that were hacked was of Facebook.

The next trial was of TikTok and this was the most focused part of the survey. The new video creating application has taken over the world by a storm but many people hold different sentiments about it.

When questioned if people supported TikTok ban? 38.3 Percent voted in its support, 31.3 were unsure with their decisions and 29.9 percent opposed the ban on the app. The most support on the ban was by the Millennials with a percentage of 42.1 percent and most of Gen Z were not in favor of the ban with only 25 percent voting in support.

People when were questioned if they believe a TikTok ban was possible in the United States, 45.5 percent said Yes, 20.2 percent were unsure and 34.3 percent voted No.

Further when questioned about if they would trust TikTok more if it would run by an American Company. 46.3 percent voted no and 36.1 percent voted yes while the remaining were unsure. Follow up question was which company will they support in purchasing TikTok and the most votes went in favor of Microsoft with Google coming close behind.

Take a look at below infographics for more stats about consumer sentiment on social media apps.
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