Everything you need to know about link building for small businesses

Are you a small business owner and don’t know how to build links? It has become crucial for today’s businesses to be in the mind of their customers by being visible in search engines. It not only helps them in growing but also increases their reach to more customers along with enhancing their sales. To be recognized in top trending searches on the search engine result pages (SERP) is what every business craves. Since SEO and link building has become widely accepted and encouraged in the business industry, not only big but small business also need to learn this skill.

Not sure what link building means?

It is a process of getting yourself linked with other websites or vice versa. Businesses must make use of this method to verify their authority and building links for driving referral traffic. Thus, the more authority, the better the rankings of your business. According to a recent survey, it was revealed that the majority of the SEO experts believed that external links are among the three topmost important aspects of their search optimization tactics.

For a small business to be successful in creating its brand awareness, appeal prospects, and then converting them to loyal customers, building a quality link is the prerequisite. There are some effective link-building strategies small businesses should adopt, in order to be successful in link building. Some merchants suggest that search ranking is positively affected by acquiring links. Moreover, some businesses put their trust in outside experts, freelancers, content creators, and bloggers for promoting them through link building. They do help in building an extremely meaningful relationship between the existing and new customers and the businesses. They are the best source of grasping content for your target audience. People start trusting businesses as they are recommended by their trustworthy influencers and bloggers.

It’s worth mentioning the example of Paul Downs here; who regularly participates in the blog section of “The New York Times.” Initiated in 1986, his furniture business has grown massively till now. Interestingly, he has managed to get a link back to his website from the New York Times. This became possible for him only when he immensely worked with the world of blogs.

Marketing is all about having accurate and to-the-point content, without which both small and large businesses are worthless. According to a survey of Buzzstream, it is expected that 30 percent of merchants will increase the budget of link building in the coming year. For saving your business from drowning, you need to come up with unique, attractive, and engaging as well as informative content for your audience which will earn you lots of shares. To be precise: make sure that your content is worth sharing. Businesses should give content creators the freedom; to choose and come up with an idea that reflects their creativity skills. It should be something beyond formal e-books and standard blog posts. Gaining a quality link is not that simple as it seems, as often brands have to spend hundreds of dollars for gaining quality links for their business.

The most difficult thing businesses find to accomplish is to come up with an idea that transfers value for your target audience. Once you are fortunate in achieving this goal, this will not only channelize your revenues but also will enhance your consumer base to a great extent. The present setup of SEO has a very brutal ranking race going on. There’s a tip for you to win this race to boost your ranking: use optimized and commercialized keywords.

A business needs to focus on internal factors while paying attention to the external ones. As equal time is spent by SEO on paying attention to internal and external links. Keep your articles as long as you can, because long-form contents get 77.2 percent more links on average than the shorter ones. Therefore, it’s safe to say that Long-form content is ideal for backlink acquisition. The importance of internal links is such that 51 percent of the SEOs agree upon this that bloggers should include a maximum of two to three internal links in a blog post. While 36 percent of them recommend bloggers to add a maximum of five to six internal links.

Now, it is all up to you which method to go with. However, some of them are as follows: mention internal links on your web content and blog posts, or publish data or original quotes that folks would like to link to.

Take a look at below graphics for more insights on small businesses and link building. You'll discover most common marketing strategies, link building methods and their effectiveness for small business in 2021.

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