Google Redesigns It Desktop and Brings Changes in Music Related Queries

All companies bring about changes in the features for the improvements of their app as well as keep redesigning the old features to make the app user friendly and interesting for the public.

Similarly, very recently, Google brought about some changes in the search queries of their main page. It is introducing a redesign for the music related queries for users as per a report. The testing for this feature was being done for a long time now and it is finally now being introduced to the general public.

The new redesigning of desktop search results would make it easier for users to search for their music related queries, as compared to the older version. After the launch of the new redesign, the Google homepage would look something like this with the navigation drawer on the left hand side that will show the name and information related to the query. If the music you search for is an album it will appear with a cover art. Apart from this, it will show several subcategories for the searched music query like overview, listen, videos and songs, as well as the share button will be present on the navigation drawer.

While the right hand side of the Google page will have different features in the form of cards related to music. It will show options like a “Listen” card which will allow the user to listen to the songs on any popular music streaming platform that will be available in the user’s region like YouTube, Spotify etc. making it easier and faster for the user to play songs. Another feature called the “About” card will hold information about the searched music from Wikipedia which will make it easier for the user to get information on the music type and will save time because they will not have to take the extra steps of going on Google to search about the music. According to the report, some songs will have some other extra options like “Analysis” and “Extra recordings.”

From the looks of it, it seems that Google is working towards providing fast and efficient features to its users in order to save their time and provide them with quick services. While the redesigning has been currently done for only music related features, Google is expected to bring changes in the other medias soon. Until then the other medias apart from Music related content will appear in the old format only.

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