Chromium Gets Antivirus Bug Patch, Which May Roll Out To Other Related Browsers

A new update has been spotted in Chromium's source website, focusing on making antivirus use on Chromium and other related or even derived browsers smoother.

This new update, published by Google programming expert and former Valve employee Bruce Dawson, comes in lieu of a list of problems that Chromium and its derived browsers would present when running antivirus software. Seemingly limited to Windows 10, these issues would include bookmarks and other files downloaded by the browsers not saving.

The problem, as identified and plotted out in Chromium's source page, seems to revolve around anti viruses locking newly downloaded and acquired files. Specifically, all files that utilized the JavaScript function of ImportantFileWriter are affected. Dawson's solution to this problem is repeating the ReplaceFile function a few times, creating duplicates of the old files, which then go on to replace the latter.

Dawson ends his notes by stating that the number of retries will be noted and recorded, handing over fodder as future developers find more permanent solutions. He also mentions that the update is restricted to Windows, as it is hoped that the issue limits itself there.

So, where will we be seeing such an update? Other than Chromium's current build, it is expected that these changes will subsequently roll in for other derived projects, such as Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. For context, Chromium itself is an open-source browser, often relied on for testing new features, and providing a base from which other developers can work on new browsers. Therefore, any tweaks and updates of such a nature can be expected to roll along for its subsidiaries.

Honestly, it's sort of refreshing to see Google pay more attention to how its products work in conjunction with anti viruses. The Google Play store has been on the receiving end of substantial criticism regarding its lack of a strong security system against malware. Avast, the cybersecurity firm famous for its firewalls, even published findings on how over 3 million different devices could be infected by malware due to Chrome and Edge plug-ins, both of which are browsers reliant on Chromium's source code and script.

With these rather alarming signposts in mind, it's honestly a good move that Chromium has taken steps towards making anti-virus use less of a nuisance. Anti virus use that's accompanied with bugs and errors will only lead to less people using such services. Next time users are wary of newly-downloaded content, they can let protection-services roam free with no worries about what will be locked out in the ensuing chaos.

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