5 Techniques to Write Successful SEO Content

Blogging has become one of the most viable sources of income these days. With the rapidly growing queries and concerns of millions of people online, organizations and individuals are constantly writing articles on different topics and niches! They get ranked and receive thousands (and even millions) of visits every month. And with these mammoth number of visits, they embed the Google AdSense to earn money along with some other money-making methods like affiliate marketing.

However, no matter how you want to make money out of your blog, the prime requirement remains to be ranking your articles higher on Google and other search engines! And to do so, you need to write search-optimized content. It’s quite obvious that you cannot write anything and expect it to be dragging traffic towards your site. You need to understand how to write content with SEO in consideration and ranking in mind.

How to Write SEO Content Professionally

Here, in this article, we are going to mention the finest tips and tricks to write the best SEO content which will be the fundament of your ranking and better revenue. These tricks are accumulated from almost every popular SEO company including Intlum. So, pay proper attention to the tactics we have mentioned below, and write content that impresses users as well as the search engines.

Do a Proper Keyword Research

If you jump into your articles without doing any keyword research, that’ll be nothing but wasting your efforts! Yes, keyword research becomes immensely important to create contents that get ranked on the search engines. People are going to search with the keywords and your article should be optimized with those search terms. Go through Google, use the keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMRush, or Ahrefs to come up with a list of keywords that would be lucrative for your website (keywords with a conversion intent). In order to finalize the keywords, you should check their difficulty, volume, and CPC (Cost Per Click). Moreover, you should also run your research on the long tail and LSI keywords as they are considered to be the key to rank these days.

Keyword Implementation is Tricky

Well, along with your keyword research, you should also check how many times you are using the keywords in your content, whether or not you are mentioning the keyword into the headers, first and last paragraph, etc. Also, don’t stuff the keywords into your content as Google finds it spamming and it will lead you to nowhere but penalization. Make clever use of the keyword including the variations of the seed keyword (i.e. the long tail, LSI, and synonyms). If the keywords you have put in your content look gibberish, you will go no further than failing to be at a higher spot on SERP.

Choose Topics Wisely

Suppose, you are writing about how to wear a shirt! Do you think it would grab any interest of any individual out there? No, it won’t. Even if you rank at the first position with this keyword, there’ll be no profit because nobody’s going to be interested in the techniques of wearing a shirt since everyone knows it! On the other hand, if you would have considered the topic, “Best Linen Shirt Brands” or something like this, a flood of traffic would have dropped on your site if you had ranked first! So, what you need to understand is, the topic should be something worth your readers’ time and which they are interested in. While writing, try to add value to your reader by crafting precise content and abandoning the idea of beating around the bush. Online users need the quickest solution that works best, and that’s what you should keep in your mind.

Acquire a Little Knowledge of Technical SEO

Suppose, you have written outstanding content that has to rank on number 1 on Google or any other search engine considering the article length, optimization techniques, and other stuff. But you’re seeing that your article is not displayed anywhere in the SERPs even after 6 months! So, what could possibly have gone wrong! Wait, have you checked whether or not your article has been indexed or crawled by Google? If not, regardless of the excellence in writing or optimization, Google can’t even find your article!

Well, as a writer, nobody expects you to know about website migration or implementing an SSL certificate on a domain. You don’t need to know about JavaScript minification or crawl budget maximization, but knowing a thing or two about technical SEO would always help you stay one step ahead of the other SEO writers. If you know how Google crawls your web pages and hands out the link authority, you will be more efficient to build a content strategy.

Make Long Enough Content

Think of yourself as a robot and compare two articles written on the same topic which are 600-word and 2000-word long, respectively. Which one would you prefer more than the other? Obviously, the answer will be the article with 2000 words! When you write an article with a greater word count, it promptly indicates to Google that your content is more informative than the other counterparts on the search engine. However, there’s also another metric that refers to the precision and value of your content. Google also likes to assess the value your content adds to the users. Suppose, you have written a 2000-word long article but you have stretched your article unnecessarily without incorporating any useful information, you are not going to survive in the game of ranking and traffic. So, it’s of utmost importance that you write long articles with to-the-point information.

Summing Up

These are the 5 considerations for creating outstanding content with SEO in mind. If you want to write good SEO content, these are the things that are needed to be remembered. Apart from these five tips, you should also consider some other aspects like using different forms of multimedia to make your content engaging to attract eyeballs and reduce bounce rate. So, let us know how beneficial do you think the article is for your SEO content writing. We’ll be more than happy to take any suggestion from you if that adds value to the content.

Illustration: Pch.vector
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