Reddit reveals its 2020's top posts, trends, users numbers, and more

Reddit has revealed its annual recap of the year which gives details about its platform patterns, user behavior, and changes that may help you in the future.

Usually, Reddit measures its user number on monthly basis. But for the first time, Reddit recorded its user numbers on daily basis. Reddit had already reported about this last week but an official announcement was made today in the annual report.

The overall revealed Reddit statistics in 2020 are; 52 million active users on a daily basis – up 44 percent of year-on-year, 303.4 million posts – up 52.4 percent of year-on-year, 2 billion comments – up 18.6 percent of year-on-year, 49.2 billion upvotes – up 53.8 percent of year-on-year.

During the pandemic, just like all other social media apps gain more user attention than usual. Similarly, Reddit saw a spike in engagement in 2020, with a significant rise in numbers of posts and participation.

From April 2018 to December 2019, Reddit has been consistently growing, rising from 330 million active users to 430 million users on monthly basis. In this annual year review, Reddit did not provide monthly active users. Due to this, we cannot compare its monthly users to daily active users. The purpose of sharing its daily active users count in this update was to highlight its success. To provide a clear outline of how Reddit is competing with other big platforms and where it stands in the industry.

Some of the updates from the annual report are:

Most upvoted post of 2020 include; (406k upvotes) During the lockdown, I find a few amusing memories. This is my first tour in 89, backstage in Vegas. (Through r/pics), A quick story (via r/memes) (292k Upvotes), Upvotes (272k) Please make it viral. I am requesting you. The National Police and Guard patrol the neighborhood and shoot people on their own property. Let America see this. I am begging you. (via r/publicfreakout) [Minneapolis], (271k upvotes) If this is you: Fu*k you (via r/pics), and (258k upvotes) “Everybody’s trying to shame us” (via r/publicfreakout).

Covid-19 and politics were the main topics on which a large number of discussion was seen on Reddit. According to a report by Reddit, there are more than 50.2 million posts that mention 'COVID', 'COVID-19' or 'coronavirus' on the social media network. Although there was also a 9972.4 percent rise in r/blacklivesmatter activity and a 40.8 percent upsurge in r/politics activity.

As per the impacts resulting from the outbreak, there was a 48,286 percent rise in YoY activity due to r/unemployment.

Under this context, the important things that matter in unemployment and the forums to support jobless people were: Workplace quest and job workshops, online career, CARES Act, Unemployment benefits, and Self-employment.

Reddit has also been working to enhance its advertisement services and get rid of all the controversial content from the platform to increase market appeal. On hate speech in June, Reddit revised all its rules, as a result, all the toxic subreddits have been removed. It also introduced its Trending Takeover ad formats and other new advertising options during the year.

Read next: Facebook shares a unique review of the year 2020
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