Microsoft Improves Edge Browser Speed With New Feature

Microsoft has been trying as hard as possible to fix the damage that has undoubtedly been done to their reputation by the often comical underperformance of their previous flagship browser, if one could even call it that, Internet Explorer. With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that Microsoft Edge, the company’s new attempt to create a browser that everyone is going to want to end up trying to use if all goes well, has actually seen a fair amount of success which is attributable in no small part to the company’s decision to base the latest version of this browser on Chromium.

The tech giant has recently announced a new feature "Sleeping Tabs" for low end devices that would dramatically reduce the amount of RAM that the browser would end up using at any given point in time because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up allowing users to make the most of their browsing experience without resulting in a sluggish or slow computer. Basically, this new feature is going to make it so that any tab that a user might not be actively checking would be frozen and put to sleep.

This means that it would not be running in the background, something that would make it so that you can have countless tabs open and yet this would have no impact on your CPU usage since only the tab that you have open in front of you would end up using up memory or CPU. This is something that even Google Chrome often struggles with, and it will most likely convert a lot of Chrome diehards and at the very least give various people the impression the Edge is a browser that could be worth it if they checked it out. If you are interested in checking this feature simply install/open Edge browser, go to edge://flags page and search "Sleeping Tabs" and change all the Experimental falgs' setting from Default to Enabled and finally restart the browser to see the feature in action.

Read next: Microsoft Authenticator users will be allowed to sync password via Edge browser
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