Microsoft sheds light on a new Android ransomware that pops up when users press the home button

As the newest technologies launch the risk attached to it also increases. We often have heard about people facing cyber crimes or people falling into frauds but we never know how they got engaged with that and what precautions we should take to avoid getting into frauds.

As per recent report by Microsoft, a new type of virus is infecting Android devices which might be activated when the users press the home button, it's a type of ransomware that runs behind the incoming calls and records your conversation it even locks the screen of the devices so that the users cannot use it.

This new virus is called AndroidOS/MalLocker.B and it is hidden inside the websites which popup and bribes you to download it or even online websites with third party websites and cookies can also contain this virus.

MalLocker.B is Android ransomware which doesn't track your data or share your data but it blocks your phone and you cannot have access to your phone.

When you download any of the apps which have these type of viruses your phone screen will show a message like a ransom note from the police or the law enforcement of their country and will ask to tell them that they have committed a crime and they will have to pay an amount to get access to their phones back.

It's been more than a decade since these type of ransomware frauds are getting common and MalLocker.B are the most popular types of android ransomware fraud these days and they have been successful in taking a lot of money from people.

As time is passing Android ransomware has been using different techniques to misuse the features of the Android and fooling the users.

The very first thing that happens when this virus gets into your server is that it will disable the call notifications it doesn't show any details about the caller's ID but the entire area which shows the caller ID is covered by MalLocker.B

The second thing that happens is that the onUserLeaveHint function also gets disabled, this feature is what allows the apps to run in the background or when the users want to push an app on the background and use another one this will trigger when the users will press home buttons. Once it is triggered the users will again get a ransom note and they will not be able to exit that app to use another one.

These 2 functions have never been seen by users yet but many people have seen ransom notes on their mobiles and the hijacking of the home button has also been seen. In 2017 ESET came across Android ransomware known as Double locker disabled the Accessibility service in the phone.

To avoid getting into these type of frauds, people should not download any apps which are suggested by the third party websites and stores, users are also advised to check the reviews of the app before downloading it.
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