Google Provides Updates on Privacy Sandbox Initiative and Chrome Privacy Updates

Google has often been criticized for the various data protection violations that it commits on a regular basis, but with all of that having been said and out of the way it is important to note that the tech giant has also started the Privacy Sandbox initiative which is basically an attempt to make it so that the web can end up becoming far more private and secure place for the average user while still attempting to make things profitable for tech companies that rely on data from users in order to earn money in general.

Part of this initiative seems to involve a number of changes that are occurring in Google Chrome, and one major change is that support for all kinds of third party cookies are going to end up being discontinued over time. This is a pretty huge change, and it will have a pretty widespread impact which is the sort of thing that Google is definitely going to have to take precautions against and for the most part the tech giant has most certainly ended up managing to do that in some way, shape or form at the very least.

For example, third party cookies were once quite important for fraud protection but now Google Chrome will be rolling out what it is referring to as Trust Tokens. Users can make use of these Trust Tokens in order to ensure that they are trusted by any websites that they end up going to. New APIs are also being introduced so that data surrounding ad performance can be derived without tracking each and every site that the average user ends up going to. One such API is the Click Conversion Measurement, and it basically allows advertisers to know whether ad clicks resulted in purchases or not without forcing user privacy to end up being compromised.
"We’re also closing the ability for a site to observe other sites that a user might have visited through caching mechanisms.", said Justin Schuh, Director, Chrome Engineering, in a blog post.
Read next: Version 86 of Google Chrome brings out password checking option, biometric, safe browsing and many more security features
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