Google Chrome Makes Tab Management Easier With New Search Feature

Have you ever had a lot of tabs open while you were doing research for an assignment or personal project only to become frustrated by just how difficult Google Chrome makes it to figure out which tabs represent which pieces of information and where you should ideally end up going in order to make the most of the kind of knowledge you are trying to acquire? If this is the case then you should know that you are not alone because of the fact that pretty much every other Chrome users has faced a similar issue in the past.

Engineers working at Google who focus on Chrome have let the inefficient tab feature languish for quite some time now, but it is important to note that they are starting to add new features into the mix that are undoubtedly going to lead to them being able to maximize the efficiency with which you might be able to get things done once you have a lot of tabs open.

Previous updates have included tab folders where you can stack a lot of tabs related to a specific topic, and another feature added made it so that you could use your scrolling function to scroll through the various tabs that you might have open at this current point in time. Another excellent feature, as per a Reddit user, is being added to the mix here, and this feature essentially involves you being able to search for specific tabs. After a slight modification in a Google Chrome's Windows shortcut app, a new icon will appear next to the plus sign that allows you to open a new tab, and if you click on it you would see a search bar. Entering keywords into that search management bar can help you come across the specific tab that you had been hoping to find.

To enable this feature all you need is to create a shortcut of Google Chrome on your Windows desktop home screen, now right click on the Chrome app and open Properties menu, now in Shortcut tab find the Target field. In the Target field you'll see it filled with something like "C:\Users\YourName\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome SxS\Application\chrome.exe" or "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" or something else. Now all you need to do is paste this line of code "--enable-features=TabSearch" after a space in the Target field. After pasting the code, the Target field can look something like this:
"C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --enable-features=TabSearch
or something similar, depending your OS and its settings.

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