Google is extending Secure DNS to Chrome 85 for Android soon

The secure DNS feature that Google had launched for Chrome 83 for desktop browsers is now making its way to Chrome 85 for Android.

To put it all a little simply, DNS stands for Domain Name System. When a user surfs the web, they do not type in the IP address. Instead, they type in the Uniform Resource Locator or URL and this URL is then picked by the DNS server, which then finds the IP address of that domain.

This DNS request has to be encrypted for user security purpose, and DNS over HTTPS (DoH) and DNS over TLS (DoT) are two protocols which perform remove DNS resolution via either the HTTPS port or the TLS port. By adding this protocol layer, user privacy and security increases, and third-party attackers are prevented to manipulate the DNS data and encroach the user privacy.

Google Chrome launched the Secure DNS for desktops in Chrome 83. Secure DNS feature uses DNS over HTTPS to encrypt the DNS communication and prevents attackers from seeing the sites a user visits and from redirecting them to phishing websites. There is more Authenticity, Integrity, and Confidentiality associated with the Secure DNS feature.

Now that Google is bringing it for Chrome 85 on Android, it is just auto-upgrading the users to their DNS provider’s DoH service when available, even if your current Android Private DNS (DNS over TLS,) if you have configured one.

So, Chrome will use the regular DNS service of the user’s current provider to prevent any disruption in the system, while it will continue to try to secure the DNS communication.

Users will have the option to disable Secure DNS from Settings. However, those who have enabled the feature can also see the option of Custom provider.

This launch is going to take place on a slow but steady pace so that the stability and performance are not compromised and DoH providers also get ample time to run their service accordingly. Even for the desktop browsers, Chrome tested the feature in Chrome 79 and launched it eventually in Chrome 83. So, the launch process is slow, but it will surely bring better results.

Google has also said that achieving this milestone is significant in making web browsing a safer and more private affair experience. Google is open to feedback and collaboration with interested parties like mobile operators and other ISPs, DNS service providers, and Online Child Safety advocates to make Secure DNS safer and much better.

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