Google Is Testing a Security Feature to Make Sure Auto-fill is disabled on Mixed Forms for Chrome 86 To Protect Privacy of Users

The tech giant, Google, is adding a new security update in its Chrome browser to protect the security and privacy of its users. Google Chrome is testing a new setting tag to make sure Autofill is disabled on insecure forms. The new setting tag called ‘Disable Autofill for mixed forms’ will automatically determine the current level of security and privacy when a user activates this setting.

If the Chrome browser detects an unencrypted page, it prevents auto-filling of online forms through credit card purchase. The browser also displays a warning to let users know that Chrome prevented data in the form, from being sent over an insecure connection. However, you can still choose to override the warning and confirm submission.

If you have saved login credentials, credit card data, or contact information to the Chrome browser on HTTPS sites, the browser will autofill the forms. The browser does not autofill the information in forms on HTTP websites, and Google is now going ahead and plans to block forms on HTTPS websites that submit over HTTP websites. The browser warns users that the data in this form is being sent over an insecure connection. This may also expose the data of users when the data is sent to the website.

The Chrome browser (on Mac, Android, Windows, Chrome OS and Linux operating systems) offers the options to ‘Go Back’, as well as ‘Submit Anyways.’ The Go Back option is recommended.

If you want to test the autofill blocking option for insecure forms in Chrome on Android or desktop, launch the Chrome 86 Canary on your device. Now, you need to visit the chrome://flags section. If you will search for ‘mixed form’ keyword you will find these two flags in the search page, ‘Disable autofill for mixed forms’ and ‘Mixed forms interstitial’. Change the Default option to Enabled on both flags and restart your Chrome browser. Now, the flags are enabled.

The Disable autofill for mixed forms flag when enabled, will prevent autofill for mixed forms and will also display a warning bubble over the form. On the other hand, the Mixed forms interstitial flag is an interstitial that contains the insecure form submission warning message. However, pass auto-filling will not be affected by enabling these flags. Developers can also test whether their websites are impacted by the latest version of Chrome Canary. Developers will have to go to the experiment flags page in Chrome and open the ‘Disable Autofill for mixed forms’ hashtags.

Hat Tip: TechDows.

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