Google Claims to Block 5K Ads Per Minute

Google has had a problem for a really long time, and this problem has to do with the fact that the ads that it often ends up allowing to be posted have a tendency for being rather risky for anyone to interact with in a really big way, so much so that it is hurting Google’s overall credibility in this area and is creating a lot of problems along the way that are going to be very tough to deal with all in all.

Google does take certain steps to remove ads that may be harmful in some way, shape or form but the fact of the matter is that a lot of people don’t really know about this, and this is basically why Google has released a report that talks about the steps it takes. According to the report, Google removes thousands of bad ads every single minute in order to reduce the number of bad ads that may be out there all in all. This is very important due to the reason that until and unless you look into how ads can be optimized it just won’t be possible for people to start trusting Google again in this regard.

Around 2.7 billion ads were blocked and removed by Google last year, 35 million of which were phishing ads and 19 million of which were clickbait ads. This is important step because of the fact that these ads cause a lot of problems for a lot of people and it is important to make sure that these problems end up going away.

"We also suspended nearly 1 million advertiser accounts for policy violations. On the publisher side, we terminated over 1.2 million accounts and removed ads from over 21 million web pages that are part of our publisher network for violating our policies.", announced Scott Spencer, Vice President of Product Management, Ads Privacy and Safety, in a blog post.

This is definitely a step in the right direction, one that might make it so that people would potentially end up trusting Google a lot more than might have been the case otherwise.

Read next: Google Discover tests a new Instagram-inspired option to learn about users’ preferences
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