Microsoft's Windows Defined Computers And Stats Prove That It Will Continue To Do So

We all at some point in our lives have used Windows operating system and with that being said, there is also no need to back the claim that Windows is and will always stay to be the most used OS on any technology device, especially computers!

Microsoft is about to turn 45 on the upcoming April 4th and over the years the company has just become more and more synonymous with the term computer. The company gave birth to Windows and today we are going to present the statistics regarding Windows’ immense success in the world of computers.

Microsoft had a hard time founding Windows. Bill Gates and his team had to go face hundreds of odds to make the impossible happen and revolutionize with what they wanted to introduce. But as soon as Microsoft got successful, consumers found Windows as their external organ which could get the most complicated tasks done for them within minutes.

As of February 2020, Windows can be found on nearly two-thirds of all the desktop and mobile computers around the world. If you want more exact numbers, then 73 percent of computers run with some version of the Windows on them whereas Macintosh made by Apple account for a total 17 percent, despite being the second in the global market share. Furthermore, the next two operating systems after them are iOS and Android which again comprise a total of only 5 percent share.

This outrageous success of Windows has been the reason behind Bill Gates and Paul Allen making Microsoft stand as one of the four companies in the world that belong to the $1 trillion market capitalization club. And with more dominance to come in, the two never also stopped there. Microsoft’s line up of popular products also continues with Microsoft Office productivity software, gaming console (Xbox) and the ever-evolving range of Surface laptops and tablets.

This infographic by Statista is yet again a proof that Microsoft will remain to be the undisputed king in the world of computers!

Chart courtesy of: Statista.

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