New Study Reveals that Smartphones are to be Credited for 42% of Online Sales!

Times have certainly changed as in-person traditional shopping is all set to be overtaken by online shopping. One of the reasons why online shopping has become so popular is the advancement in mobile technology. The tech in question has been proving itself to be beneficial for retailers, since many consumers shop online via their mobile devices instead of desktops or laptops.

A recent survey (involving over 200 retailers) commissioned by Quiq revealed that retailers are observing 42% of their online sales coming from smartphones. Moreover, 65% of the retailers agreed that an increase in revenue has been observed, courtesy of mobile technology.

To keep up with the changing trends, it is essential for retailers to have an ample mobile strategy to keep their businesses running smoothly. The Quiq-commissioned survey also discovered that mobile technology has made retailers more accessible to customers, and this was agreed by around 74% of the surveyed retailers. 66% even said that the technology has resulted in improved customer satisfaction.

It’s interesting to note that the rising popularity of smartphone technology in retailing was heavily discussed at this month’s NRF Conference. When it comes to social media services such as Facebook and Instagram, the online shopping on them has been made possible mainly because of mobile tech. This has resulted in these social media platforms rolling out transactional features to provide the consumers with an easy shopping experience.

Click-and-collect service should also be mentioned here, since it has been amassing quite the popularity among online shoppers lately. This service allows customers to get their products from a physically existing or brick-and-mortar store. It can prove to be a viable threat to Amazon in the near future because of how convenient it makes things for retailers.

Quiq’s survey also revealed how impactful smartphones turn out to be for online shoppers, especially during the holiday seasons. 2019’s Black Friday sales (through smartphones) peaked at a record-shattering amount i.e. $2.9 billion, as per Adobe Analytics. Adobe also revealed that online sales coming from smartphones were up 18% year-over-year in 2019.

Moving back to Quiq, the study found out that nearly 2 in every 3 retailers claim that they are incorporating mobile technology into e-commerce and operations. However, only about 1 in 10 (14%) retailers possess the confidence to refer themselves as a mobile-first organization. Additional 19% claim to be in the starting phases of their mobile strategy.

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