Instagram helps cultivate relationships in real life too!

A study by Washington State University found that Young users of Instagram find the social media network helpful in their real life friendships as well – especially those who are hesitant about socializing.

Published on Sciencedirect, the researching team from the university analyzed around 700 college students about their social media use and its outcomes. The study concluded that young adults prefer Instagram to other social media networks for its ease-of-use and visual aesthetics. The college-going students also said that the platform enables them to express themselves with more freedom – which in turn opens new doors of relationships in offline world.

The results of the study also suggest that Instagram has a significant effect on people who are more reserved or introverts. This is because the Facebook-owned app makes it easy to interact with others and gives them a platform for self-expression.

The study also notes that Instagram allows users to follow and interact with other accounts – that are available to the public. This allows them to establish social ties with others outside of their physical circle. Additionally, the focus on images and the availability of Insta filters also helps shy users portray their unique image and personality.

According to a 2018 Pew Research Center survey, around 71% of young Americans between the age of 18 and 24 use Instagram. Its media richness and user-friendliness are both – attraction grabbing and enjoyable for the users – which is probably why it appeals greatly to the younger generation.

Photo: Bombuscreative via Getty Images

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