Email's Importance Cannot be Underestimated; Study Determines!

If you believe that emails have lost their importance with time, you are in for a major surprise. As per the third Global Email Benchmark Report published by Twilio SendGrid (Email marketing and analytics provider), 95% of Gen Z and Millennial respondents claimed that their everyday lives are dependent on their personal (not work) email.

Factors that help in providing monthly engagement data from more than 60 billion emails such as send frequency, open rates, personalization etc. were also taken into account by the study.

“Email is dead”, this phrase has been making the rounds for the last few years. However, this is surely not the case and email is still considered as an ideal channel for the establishment and maintenance of strong brand-customer relationships. Additionally, the average return rates are quite impressive as well.

84% of the respondents (US and UK settled and belonging to all age groups) said that they check their email at least one time every day. 36% even access their email 2-5 times per day.

Emails boast numerous advantages. You can check the shipping/delivery status of a product that you have ordered, or keep track of the pending dues you should clear. In fact, nothing has blended in our routines as smoothly as email has.

It was reported that brands happened to increase the average number of emails they issued. This contributed in the decline of metrics such as click rate, click-to-open rate and aggregate open rate.

Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail emerged as the major inbox providers utilized by US participants this year. Additionally, the US and UK-settled respondents signified that the urge to create memorable emails falls flat in front of the factor we know as personalization.

Read next: The Environmental Impact of Unnecessary Emails
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