What are the apps that take most of our time?

A smartphone is an integral part of our lives and has become our staple companion over the last few years. Unfortunately, the technology developed to save some time is working in reverse and eating up most of the time we have. Many people also report that too much screen time is halting their productivity and even coming in between their personal and professional relationships.

A recent survey by AudienceProject also looked at the app types that were taking most of the users’ time on the phone. The company asked 13,000 users (from select countries including, US, UK, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland) for their preferred app on smartphones and told them to name up to three.

As anticipated, 49% of the respondents from the USA claimed that various social media apps take most of their time. This is followed by web browsers and email service providers that received 42% and 36% votes respectively.

Surprisingly, games and music/video streaming apps received the lowest votes and fell to 26% and 25% correspondingly.

The survey confirmed what we already know – social media is an addiction and takes up a good amount of free time from our daily hours. However, is our daily dose of social networking healthy? What do you think? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section!

Which types of apps do people spend most time on on their mobile?

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