Facebook causes decline in physical and mental health, report says

If you have ignored the words of your adults that Facebook is not good for health, then you have done wrong because they are right!

According to the research of UC San Diego and Yale University, the social media has negative impact on physical and emotional health. Their research pointed out more decline in mental health.

Holly Shakya, UC San Diego’s assistant professor, and Nicholas Christakis, Yale University’s professor, surveyed 5208 adults for two years in which they stalked their accounts, instead of asking them about their screen timings, and observed their emotional and physical health three times during research by checking their body-mass, BMI and asking them about their mental health and how much they are satisfied with their life and physical health.

Their research article was published in Harvard Business Review in which researchers or the writers of the article have said that real-world interaction and social life is beneficial for health and mind but the virtual world’s interaction is hazardous.

On the basis of the report in which they found the decline in mental health in a year, the writers wrote that liking someone’s post and posting a status has negative impact on mind because users compare their well-being with others limited and polished life which cause degradation.

Besides this, the study, which recorded the likes and clicks on links of their participants, said that social media creates peer pressure because majority of the posts are about struggles and hardships or some of them consist of pictures which make viewers to think that the lives of others are going well.

Furthermore, the studies has proven that social media interaction does not create strong physical networks and social circle. Instead, Facebook networking reduce users’ contact with real world because they look into their screen instead of connecting or communicating with people in surroundings. Thus, people lose their contact with community.

However, it cannot be said or advised to leave Facebook and get anti-social but the addicted users can try to reduce their screen-timing and get social in actual world. This will improve mental health and physical health.

Read next: Effects of Social Media on the Mental Health of Young People!
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