Assumptions Related to Twitter Notifying about Tweets Sent via DM Turned Out to be Fake

Twitter sends notifications to its users when someone starts following, likes or retweets or when the user gets a direct message. One time when Twitter will not send a notification is when someone DM your tweet to someone else.

There had been many speculations recently about Twitter's new feature that was expected to notify the users when their tweet is sent in a DM. “Twitter Support” account on the platform put these assumptions to rest by clarifying that there will be no such update.

Means you will not know who or how many people have made your tweet center of their discussion.

Instagram was also expected to have a change in their algorithm that will show you more content from the account you have liked the posts. According to the latest news, no changes in the algorithm has been made so far and like Twitter’s assumptions, this one also turned out to be fake.

Read next: Twitter Users Speak up Against the Inconveniences caused by reCaptcha!

Featured photo: Gabby Jones/ Bloomberg / Getty Images
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